Content Management System


Starting at $975

(7 page WordPress, Joomla or Drupal, customized template, each addition page $25, domain name, 1 year hosting)

Attractive and eye-gabbing web design and brilliantly done web development will be able to serve you with all its benefits if and only if the content of your website is properly written and managed. As ultimately the user interaction can be achieved by quality and fast information sharing, content management is emerging as a very important feature now a days. CMS is all about managing industry specific documents like news articles, technical manuals, sales guides, and marketing brochures. It stores the document in effective manner thus making it reusable any time. CMS can be broadly divided in two parts: content management application (CMA) and the content delivery application (CDA). CMA allows author to modify, add and remove the content in the site.


Basically the author does not need to worry about HTML part as that is taken care of by CDA. So to have worry less and effective information sharing, implement Content Management system to your web site. Websites Design LA can provide you with Content Management system for your website at very affordable rates. We specialize in Jomla, WordPress and Drupal based Content Management Systems.

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