How to Improve Your Landing Page Design

How to Improve Your Landing Page Design?

There are several ideas online to help you in improving your overall landing page layout. But the best landing page is the one that speaks to the viewer. It’s also a design that incorporates well with the rest of the site’s design.

So what can you do to improve your landing page?


Your headline must focus on usefulness, urgency, and uniqueness. You may not be able to hit them all, but at least, your headline must have one or two of these factors.

The landing page’s headline should be valid and it must make a good case.

Visual hierarchy

Your site’s visuals must be as coherent as your content. That said, your landing page must be arranged in a way that it guides the eye of your visitors so they’ll end up clicking your call-to-action button. Your visuals must not have unnecessary distractions.

One of the things you can change to your current landing page is to vary the text’s size and color.


Sometimes, it takes elaboration to convince your audience to give your product or service a try. However, there are others who don’t need to explore more before they decide to follow through.

Your landing page should satisfy these types of audience. It’s possible by providing them with further information, but it must be given below the fold.

To keep your call-to-action at the center of your site, you may allow your user to scroll down further to find more information but maintain the navigation bar with an eye-catching button to be always present.

How to Improve Your Landing Page Design

Appealing copy

It means that you must write concise but appealing text. Your landing page must be straightforward and definite as possible.

Don’t focus on explaining to your visitors how great your product or service is.

Rather, ensure that you describe to your visitors how they can use or benefit from the product or service you’re offering.


It’s another way to improve your site’s conversion rates. By providing your visitors a piece of evidence that your site is dependable and reliable, they’ll sign up or buy your product.

One of the ways to show your company’s trustworthiness is to include testimonials from your satisfied users.

Or you may add badges or certifications from other respected websites.

These factors can all improve your landing page design. But you should test everything to know whether or not such element is appropriate for your overall site.

You must test it again and again to ensure success.